BLUE- COZYM Heavy metal fixation and stress reduction products for plants

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Heavy metal fixation and stress reduction products for plants

I. Stress factors on plants
1. Biotic stress factors
Insects, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and weeds harm plants, reduce their growth and development, and affect plant productivity.
2. Abiotic stress factors
Extreme weather, temperature, flooding, drought, malnutrition, heavy metal poisoning, organic poisoning, fertilization, pesticide spraying, light, soil salinity, and environmental pollution.
II. Heavy metals stress plants
1. Lead (Pb): Lead inhibits photosynthesis and nutrient absorption.
2. Cadmium (Cd): Cadmium is a highly toxic metal that accumulates in plants and affects physiological processes, including photosynthesis and respiration.
3. Mercury (Hg): Mercury inhibits root growth and damages the water conduction system, causing plant death.
4. Arsenic (As): Arsenic accumulates in plants, in edible parts such as roots, stems, and leaves.
5. Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu): At high concentrations, zinc and copper can cause toxic symptoms such as yellow leaves and poor root development.

III. Mechanism of action of Blue-cozym on heavy metals
1. Blue-cozym helps fix heavy metals in the soil and prevent heavy metals from entering plants through the following mechanisms:
1.1 Complex formation: Blue-cozym can form complexes with heavy metals, reducing their mobility in the soil, and helping to limit the absorption of heavy metals by plant roots.
1. 2 Stimulate the natural defense mechanisms of plants: The presence of Blue-cozym can activate the natural defense mechanisms of plants, helping plants to remove or isolate heavy metals more effectively.

2. Blue-cozym helps enhance photosynthesis.
2.1. Enhance plant health: Blue-cozym helps strengthen the cell wall and structure of plants, increasing the plant’s tolerance to stress conditions such as high temperature, drought, salinity, and heavy metals.
2.2. Increase photosynthesis capacity
2.3. Improve water and nutrient absorption
2.4. Increase disease and pest resistance
2.5. Form active resistance in plants, increase resistance to pests and diseases.
3. Blue-cozym reduces plant stress when soil is contaminated with NaCl
– When plants encounter saline conditions, Na+ and Cl- ions in the soil can cause stress.
– Blue-cozym improves the structure of cell membranes, helps plants maintain osmotic pressure, reduces water loss, and enhances drought and salt tolerance. Reduces the accumulation of toxic ions, and improves antioxidant capacity.
– Enhances the synthesis of antioxidant compounds.
IV. Ingredients of Blue-cozym
The combination of nanozyme and polyphenols extracted from plants creates the product Blue-cozym.
1. Density: 1.18kg/liter
2. Total organic content (OM): 20 – 25%
3. Polyphenol: 2.2g/liter
4. Soluble Liquid (SL) product

V. Instructions for use
Blue-cozym can be mixed with all types of pesticides.
Blue-cozym can be sprayed on all types of crops.
Spray for rice
– Dosage: 1 liter/ hectare
– Spray in 2 stages: Rice tillering and 5-10 days before flowering
Spray for fruit trees such as durian, grapefruit, orange, mango, etc.
– Dosage: 1 liter/ hectare
– Spray in all growth stages of the tree.
Used to prevent stress for fruit trees
– Use 2 liters/hectare diluted and water around the base, the amount of water depends on the number of trees per hectare.